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Current holster and sheath systems on the market tend to be paired with attachments that allow little to no adjustment when it comes to carry position and cant. In order to truly feel safe and secure while carrying, one must have their tools in the correct position at all times. The Accessory Mounting Plate is a solution. By providing the end user with over 130 different anchor points, the AMP allows for total customization of the way you carry.
Made from Tufmax 720, The AMP will flex to the body when worn on the belt, all the while remaining incredibly durable and true to its shape. The AMP can also be utilized to pair two different carry systems on one belt attachment, for example pairing a cuff case with a torch, or multi-tool case. When not being utilized on the belt, the AMP can be used as a buffer piece between your holster body and various manufacturers attachments. When a holster system isn't equipped with the necessary pilot holes for mounting a certain attachment, assembling the Accessory Mounting Plate to it will provide for you the necessary anchor points. Find another use for the Accessory Mounting Plate, let us know!
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